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2003-08-07 - 10:18 a.m.

So now that half the world knows I can tell the rest of the world. Franco and I are unoffically engaged. He never proposed. He only told me he was ready and saving up for the ring. So what did I do? I took that information and ran with it. We set a date May 1st 2005. We found the ring I want. It's super expensive though and may take forever for Franco to buy which means the offical engagment could be as far away as May. EEEP! It's like torcher. I told my parents about it... My dad was very excited and told me as soon as Franco gets the ring he can call my dad, dad. Which I thought was very nice and cute.

It's exciting stuff.. but torcher. speaking of torcher, I am moving home this year. So I can have enough money to graduate in august. Can you imagin! Me graduating in four years. It's going to be a lot of work but I am so excited not to have to write another essay for at least a year or so. Until I find my friggin internship. If any of you know of an HR internship in chicago let me know [email protected].

This entry is boring cause nothing is really going on. My mom is being annoying. I dropped my insanely hard class for summer. I am working 35 hours a week so that's full time and practically not saving any money.. cause I am dumb. and well I think that about covers it.

More wedding woes to come.

"Right about now. The funk soul brother, check it out now. the funk soul brother." (Moby)

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